Giorgio Armani

Master Corrector

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The secrets to perfect skin finish!

The secrets to perfect skin finish!

Products' info:
1. GA Maestro liquid foundation (30ml) #2 HKD620
2. GA Maestro eraser concealer (15ml) #2 HKD240
3. GA Master corrector (6m) #2 HKD240

Products' review:
With years of technique in fashion and fabric, GA's liquid foundation has enjoyed popularity and high credits by many make up artists and models. To apply it, you can only use your hands. This foundation is amazing in its finish. It first feels like oily but very smooth. It is easily blendible on any skin type. As you can see from its design, you only need four tiny drops to cover the whole face, which means a bottle can be used for a long time. I've used it for two months already but only half of the bottle is gone. Once it gets in touch with oxygen, it gradually turns to a sheer and dewy finish, but still a natural one. As you can see from picture 1(bare face) and the picture 5(with the foundation on), my skin instantly looks healthily bright! The only disadvantage of it is that it doesnt give very strong coverage. Therefore if you have ances or very serious hyper-pigmentation, this may not be able to cover all the flaws on face. It is, however, very suitable for people who already has fair skin quality and for summer becos of its very light texture. It feels like you have put on a silk on top. Personally I have mixed skin type and after applying it for 9 hours in a day, I only feel a tiny bit of oil in the t-zone area. It is quite good at oil control. Just to be reminded that it is rather pale. So when you buy it, please really try to apply some on your skin to see how it blends. Otherwise, you end up having a pale face which doesnt match your neck and the skin tone of your body. Other than that, everything is perfect.
GA擁有悠久時裝和紡織技術,而應用在妝物上,這瓶如絲綢般質感的粉底液絕對是夏天,和膚質較佳的美媚其中一個必然之選。小小一瓶要六百多塊確是頗貴,但 試過的朋友一定覺得物價相稱。它的滴管設計,方便用家將底液逐少滴上面上。基本上在額,頰,鼻和下巴滴上已可,所以很久才會把它用完。這粉底液一定要用手 親自塗上,因為手溫有助令它的功效發揮最好,用海綿或掃的話,會很快耗盡全瓶的!一搽上面,即時感受它如絲的幼滑觸感,而且十分易推,三兩手勢已經可覆蓋 全面。完成時,本來十分液體狀(幾乎和溶了的雪糕差不多質地),卻神奇地變成薄薄的粉底妝容,摸摸皮膚,感覺十分細滑啞緻!(可對比圖一的素顏和圖五的完 成照)塗了一整天,只有T字位軽微泛油(本人屬混合性皮膚)。這產品本身偏白一點,現在介紹的是2號色,建議大家購買時先在專櫃請化妝師為自己在耳下對落 地方試色,才可找到適合自己膚色的底液。
When I bought the foundation, I didnt plan to get the concealer and corrector. But they turned out to be a surprise to me in different ways. The concealer is again easily blendable and it gives medium coverage. It has very delicate and light shimmer in it. So it can definitely brighten up your eyes and cover your dark cycles. (Refer to pic 4). The drawbacks of it are that it may not help to cover very serious dark circles. Also, it is liquidly, so sometimes when you place it horizontally, and when you open it, the concealer easily leaks and drops, which is very inconvenient. As for the corrector, it is kind of disappointing. I don't know if it is the wrong shade I chose or what, but it makes the skin under my eyes pretty orange. (Refer to pic 2 and 3). Although it is easily applicable and very liquidly, I personally don't like how it's finished. Other brands like Bobbi Brown (we'll have the reviews of some of this brand's products very soon) gives you much better correcting effect than this one.
GA的遮暇和修改液各有不同效果。遮暇液和粉底液一樣,十分易推。而且有些少閃爍粒子,可即時提亮膚色。但遮睱度只屬中級,如果你有嚴重黑眼圈,這遮睱液 未必可完全覆蓋熊貓眼(可參考圖四)。而且因為呈液狀,如果姐妹們平放它,一打開之後很容易發生滴漏意外,十分不便!至於修改液,不知是否選差色還是什 麼,上色后皮膚偏病態的泥橙色(可參考圖二和三)。雖然仍是十分易推,且掃頭十分細,很易掌握,但個人認為可以選購其他牌子如Bobbi Brown (我們很快為大家介紹這個品牌的產品評價)。

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